jk tech

Electronic Locks Software Registration Code FAQs

(I)How to extend registration code valid time

Sometimes our distributor just offers a temporary registration code for his customer at first. If his customer wants to extend the valid date of registration code, please follow the steps as below.

extend registration code on hotel lock software

Step 1:
-> plug in a "software license USB dongle"
-> log on software with permission of administrator;
-> click "System Maintenance";
-> click "Registration Code extension";

extend valid date of registration code

step 2:
-> input new registration number with new valid date in the box;

(II)How to change registration code with special feature

Sometimes customer wants to obtain new function from our locking management software. Then he has to change new registration code with new features. Be cautious: this procedure is different from the ones of extending valid time of registration code !

change registration code

Step 1:
-> plug in "software license USB dongle";
-> log on software with permission of administrator;

change registration_code 2

Step 2:
-> press Button "Clear registration code";
-> press Button "save";
-> A piece of message popping up: "Old registration code format is wrong";
-> Press Button "OK";

change registration code 3

Step 3:
-> A box popping up with message "New registration No. carry different authorized code with old one. Sure to clear Registration No.?";
-> Press Button "yes" for twice as confirmation;
-> the locking software will quit automatically;
-> restart the locking software and input the new registration code with new features;

change registration code for PMS interface

Step 4:
for example: if customers need to enable interface function with Fidelio Property Management System(PMS)
-> press Button "Command interface(M)";
-> there is green icon "CMD" shown on the bottom;
-> our locking software now is waiting command from PMS;